We noticed a login to your Lyft account from a new device or browser on 7:03 PM CST on January 2. If this wasn't you, let us know: https://account.lyft.com/secure?token=AQAAAAGUKema-L7AyssiYZne8JnmzInQN_hTC66cHXYvet7xqw6LAPHvvPWeq9gHdjp2-dIrr-ksFLTZa_cDrny5c60TXEsrNyE%3D&type=phone
PhrendBot says: To keep the conversation going with Poppy W, add a drink. For a limited time only, you can buy your first drink (worth $10) and get one free! This offer guarantees a minimum of 40 responses. https://www.phrendly.com/s/jQL2xjJ92w/drinks?qty=1
We noticed a login to your Lyft account from a new device or browser on 5:06 CST on January 2. If this wasn't you, let us know: https://account.lyft.com/secure?token=AQAAAAGUJukFKGaRmHy8k13Q-FS1QFIcIDsLFBMYWWJ-9XG_mDlz9dt7wUdtxuTWxYtO402_O-V9tFL4T1LuoOynusZYn20VtSs%3D&type=phone