OsloTaxi A-289 er på vei. Ref: 05476. Bilens tlf er 98200289. OsloTaxi ønsker deg en god tur! Bestill din neste tur med Taxifix. Last ned her: http://taxifix.no Denne meldingen koster 1kr. For å stoppe tjenesten send: Stop Taxi til 2323
you are in the process of Login 2-factor verification on/off.Safety Verification Code:390616 Code will expire in 5 mins, do not disclose to others. Plea
OsloTaxi A-289 er på vei. Ref: 05476. Bilens tlf er 98200289. OsloTaxi ønsker deg en god tur! Bestill din neste tur med Taxifix. Last ned her: http://taxifix.no Denne meldingen koster 1kr. For å stoppe tjenesten send: Stop Taxi til 2323
you are in the process of Login 2-factor verification on/off.Safety Verification Code:390616 Code will expire in 5 mins, do not disclose to others. Plea
Verification Code:769817, you are binding Google Authenticator. Verification code will be valid for 10 mins. Please do not disclose the code to anybody, including our customer service officers.
You are in the process of binding mobile no. SMS verification code: 392324,code will expire in 10 mins, do not disclose to others. Please change login password immediately if this was not requested by you.