Hola, your GYG verification code is 399629. Please use this to verify your mobile number and sign up to the GYG App. This code will expire in 60 minutes.
Hi rima, has submitted a prescription for lion. Please click the link below to process payment and complete your order. Payment cannot be made over the phone. For enquiries please call 02 9525 3044. ** PLEASE NOTE ** Medication will NOT be made until your prescription details have been confirmed and payment has been made. THIS MESSAGE IS AUTOMATED DO NOT REPLY. https://shop.bovavet.com.au/payviaclient/?f=MDozOnNTVXJHZmVhLzhMYzFlS0ZZdjhZUFNsTCtZTFNoaWlpclI1cXFhb2dMdz09
The one-time PIN to validate your mobile number is 334318. Do not share this code with anyone. If you did not request a one-time PIN, please contact PTV on 1800 800 007.
Hi Paul. Thank you for your account application TSHKF9 with Beyond Bank. To verify your identity please visit https://beyondbank.idkit.co/220575a44cb7eb5d20b955c0a1b7949d and complete your application.
Hello Lisa, Thank you for your recent account application with Bank First. To verify your identity with Bank First, please follow this link: bankfirst.com.au/verify or call us on 1300 654 822 if you would like our assistance to complete this process.