Hey Jerome,It's Leo here from LD Consults.I recently updated my Amazon FBA Mini-Course, valued Total Value $1,740.00Just reply with Free and I will email you the link
Your one time passcode is 167024.This has been sent because you requested to change the mobile number that is associated with your profile. If it was not you who made the request, please contact our Support Team urgently on [email protected] with the proxy ID (RPXM121A3) associated with your card.
Hi George,My name is Nick and I am the director of Demand Building PTY LTD and I am contacting you in regards to a quote request via Hipages for aluminium fencing.We specialise is all aspects of Carpentry and aluminium works.Below I have attached a link to a PDF document with some photos of some fencing we have completed https://demandbuild-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/nick_demandbuilding_com_au/EaxOnQ5UBTpChLPlarzgV-AB1PM-WoN1IP9RT3lH69YOWA?e=aY6B44All our aluminium gates are welded and made from 50x50mm box section and is 3mm thick and is heavy duty. We supply a premium double sided locks and soft close hinges.When would you be available for a onsite quote?Kind RegardsNick
Do not provide this to anyone, not even Suncorp Bank. Your Suncorp one-time code is 43484636 and will expire in 15 minutes. Call 131155 to report any issues.