Poštovani, Zanima me da li se stan iznajmljuje na dugoročno i kolika je cijena mjesečnog najma? Tamo piše 300 i polog 500. Pa mi nije jasno. Studentica sam. Hvala. LP Ivana
J&T DELIVERY! TN: 632565627487 Rider: Oliver Init. For COD please prepare the exact amount. Photo proof of delivery is required. Thanks and be safe!
J&T DELIVERY! TN: 632565627487 Rider: Oliver Init. For COD please prepare the exact amount. Photo proof of delivery is required. Thanks and be safe!
J&T DELIVERY! TN: 632565627487 Rider: Oliver Init. It is confirmed that you would reject the parcel. If the situation is not true, you may call (02)8911-