(2/3)much more you couid possibly rob me for except my dignity and tha5 ill fight to the death to keep. Even if it means throwing your ass up and under the bus.
(2/3)much more you couid possibly rob me for except my dignity and tha5 ill fight to the death to keep. Even if it means throwing your ass up and under the bus.
(2/3)much more you couid possibly rob me for except my dignity and tha5 ill fight to the death to keep. Even if it means throwing your ass up and under the bus.
(1/3)The main thing that pushed me to do what im doing right niw is the simple fact that i already gor ribged financially emotionally morally and theres not
(1/3)The main thing that pushed me to do what im doing right niw is the simple fact that i already gor ribged financially emotionally morally and theres not
(1/3)The main thing that pushed me to do what im doing right niw is the simple fact that i already gor ribged financially emotionally morally and theres not
(1/2)Come ask me whst hsppened then runlike a coward. Not today. You can run. Oyea you can run but whst your not gonna do no more is take me for a fool. Ill