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Receiver: 31649100142
  As of 2021-12-27 14:06:05, the overdraft of your cloud account has reached 8.33 USD (creator account ID: 200022968293). Your cvm, cloud block storage, Au [SMS2 missed] will not be affected. When your account has a balance greater than zero, you can reactivate and use the Tencent Cloud pay-by-usage resources.
2 years ago
Receiver: 79697686470
  As of 2021-12-17 16:08:01, the overdraft of your cloud account has reached 3.24 USD (creator account ID: 200022810972). Your cvm, Auto IP and Premium BGP IP services will be suspended soon. Please top up your account or back up your data as soon as possible so that the normal use of service will not be affected. When your account has a balance greater than zero, you can reactivate and use the Tencent Cloud pay-by-usage resources.
2 years ago
Receiver: 31683953443
  As of 2021-12-09 15:37:12, the overdraft of your cloud account has reached 0.9 USD (creator account ID: 200022737278). Your cvm and Auto IP services will be suspended soon. Please top up your account or back up your data as soon as possible so that the normal use of service will not be affected. When your account has a balance greater than zero, you can reactivate and use the Tencent Cloud pay-by-usage resources.
2 years ago
Receiver: 12513734102
  As of 2021-12-04 22:08:04, the overdraft of your cloud account has reached 0.05 USD (creator account ID: 200022653865). Your bill-by-usage CVM and Auto IP services will be suspended soon. Please top up your account or back up your data as soon as possible so that the normal use of service will not be affected. When your account has a balance greater than zero, you can reactivate and use the Tencent Cloud pay-by-usage resources.
2 years ago
Receiver: 12097392268
  Cloud account activation code: 8748
2 years ago
Receiver: 17758632048
  As of 2022-05-15 17:40:02, the overdraft of your cloud account has reached 1.58 USD (creator account ID: 200022959443). Your cvm, cloud block storage, Auto IP , and other services will be suspended soon. Please top up your account or back up your data as soon as possible so that the normal use of service will not be affected. When your account has a balance greater than zero, you can reactivate and use the Tencent Cloud pay-by-usage resources.
2 years ago
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