Hi, this is GENIE! Here's how our relationship works: In the app [https://gthr.ai/],tell me what reminders you want and when. I'll then text you the information at the exact rightmo
Hey Dee, we haven't heard back from you yet. What's your timeline on selling 635 WinterfieldDr? 1 - ASAP 2 - Within 90 days 3 - I'm flexible
Hi, this is GENIE! Here's how our relationship works: In the app [https://gthr.ai/],tell me what reminders you want and when. I'll then text you the information at the exact rightmo
Hey Dee, we haven't heard back from you yet. What's your timeline on selling 635 WinterfieldDr? 1 - ASAP 2 - Within 90 days 3 - I'm flexible
Hi, this is GENIE! Here's how our relationship works: In the app [https://gthr.ai/],tell me what reminders you want and when. I'll then text you the information at the exact rightmo