Hey hina, It's Adrian from Forward. I wanted to remind you that our $99/month for life offer ends tomorrow. To claim your offer, reply to this text or go to the link below. Questions? Call or text me at this number. Offer ends tomorrow at midnight. goforward.com/December99
El Social - Hernán Cortés está esperando que vuelvas a confirmar la reserva del 07/12/2023 para guardar tu mesa. ¿Quieres obtener más información? http://tfk.io/5qb0z5uk
El Social - Hernán Cortés está esperando que vuelvas a confirmar la reserva del 07/12/2023 para guardar tu mesa. ¿Quieres obtener más información? http://tfk.io/5qb0z5uk
Hey hina, It's Adrian from Forward. I wanted to remind you that our $99/month for life offer ends tomorrow. To claim your offer, reply to this text or go to the link below. Questions? Call or text me at this number. Offer ends tomorrow at midnight. goforward.com/December99