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[WeSing]Your verification code is:781998 . Valid for 20 minutes.
Your CloudSigma verification code for MNL2 is 843425
FB-54265 is your Facebook confirmation code
042791 - confirmation code. Do not disclose this code to anybody. Paysera never asks clients to provide any codes by phone or email.
Your foodpanda verification code is: 0635
[WeSing]Your verification code is:781998 . Valid for 20 minutes.
Your foodpanda verification code is: 0635
Your CloudSigma verification code for MNL2 is 843425
FB-54265 is your Facebook confirmation code
042791 - confirmation code. Do not disclose this code to anybody. Paysera never asks clients to provide any codes by phone or email.
Your foodpanda verification code is: 0635
Your CloudSigma verification code for MNL2 is 843425
FB-54265 is your Facebook confirmation code
[WeSing]Your verification code is:781998 . Valid for 20 minutes.
042791 - confirmation code. Do not disclose this code to anybody. Paysera never asks clients to provide any codes by phone or email.
Snapchat Login Code: 622877 . Snapchat Support will not ask for this code. Do not share it with anyone.
63428 est votre code de confirmation Facebook
Podra usted comunicarse con Migo por favor
This is your BlaBlaCar verification code: 3816
Y esta en mis contactos pero le marco y me dice que la linea esta ocupada