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You have successfully logged in to STC WiFi service. You may now enjoy browsing the internet. Yourvalidity is 28.03.2024 02:32
[WeCard]Your verification code is 4753. Valid for 5 minutes. Don't share with others.
Ayfer, 190 percent up to 1900 EUR! Play Now!
MOHAMED, 170 pourcent jusqu'a 1700 Euros. Jouez maintenant !
Your Uber code is 3485. Never share this code. Reply STOP ALL to 46 76 943 60 05 to unsubscribe.qG8lKWodOMh
[WeCard]Your verification code is 4753. Valid for 5 minutes. Don't share with others.
G-161066 is your Google verification code.
G-267903 is your Google verification code.
Ayfer, 190 percent up to 1900 EUR! Play Now!
MOHAMED, 170 pourcent jusqu'a 1700 Euros. Jouez maintenant !
Tap to reset your Instagram password:
You have successfully logged in to STC WiFi service. You may now enjoy browsing the internet. Yourvalidity is 28.03.2024 02:32
Your Uber code is 3485. Never share this code. Reply STOP ALL to 46 76 943 60 05 to unsubscribe.qG8lKWodOMh
Tap to reset your Instagram password:
G-161066 is your Google verification code.
G-267903 is your Google verification code.
Ayfer, 190 percent up to 1900 EUR! Play Now!
MOHAMED, 170 pourcent jusqu'a 1700 Euros. Jouez maintenant !