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Public Procurement Gateway: 118378 is your verification code for Public Procurement Gateway - Testing. Please enter this code to verify your enrollment.
Your confirmation code: 8296
Your Discord verification code is: 659939
SIGNAL: Your code is: 586110
Snapchat: 809358 is your one-time passcode for phone enrolment. Snapchat will never call or text you to ask for this code qunyt57f5Rf
Snapchat: 560194 is your one time passcode for phone enrollment. Snapchat will never call or text you for this code
Your Phone Verification PIN is:8979 7NAN78n7e8S
818915 is your Facebook code H29Q Fsn4Sr
Your app verification code is: 585805. Don't share this code with anyone; our employees will never ask for the code.
Your verify code is 2852. Don't share this to others
Snapchat: 809358 is your one-time passcode for phone enrolment. Snapchat will never call or text you to ask for this code qunyt57f5Rf
SIGNAL: Your code is: 819359
Your Discord verification code is: 659939
Snapchat: 560194 is your one time passcode for phone enrollment. Snapchat will never call or text you for this code
SIGNAL: Your code is: 819359
Your Phone Verification PIN is:8979 7NAN78n7e8S
818915 is your Facebook code H29Q Fsn4Sr
Your verify code is 2852. Don't share this to others